Million Hour Rally- Portland Division Hosts Hackathon and Logs Over 700 Volunteer Hours
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As part of Albertsons Companies Foundation's commitment to the Million Hour Volunteer Rally, which aims to addrss the growing need for volunteers in nonprofit organizations, the Portland division recently hosted it's first ever Hackathon event at thier campus on September 17th.
This exciting event brought together seven nonprofits, ready to share thier challenges, and 80 dedicated associates for an afternoon of brainstorming, connection-building, and community celebration. Together, the division spent three hours tackling challenges faced by the participating nonprofits, and generating impactful solutions to make a difference in our local community.
Alongside the Hackathon, the Portland Division also hosted 16 volunteer events through out the day- amplifying the commitment to service.
The goal for the division was to log over 700 volunteer hours. Associates and CPG partners joined forces to donate thier time, all in the effort to nourish our neighbors. A huge shoutout to the Portland Division team for making a lasting impact in our community!
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