Nourishing Neighbors Innovation Incubation Fund RFP
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Request for Proposals 2025 Innovation Spark Incubation Fund RFP
Nourishing Neighbors, a program of Albertsons Companies Foundation, is committed to ensuring that everyone including children, seniors, and families- have access to nourishing food.
Over the past 10 years, Nourishing Neighbors has made significant progress:
- Provided 1 billion meals to individuals in need
- Supported 1,400 organizations working to fight hunger
- Enabled 78 million breakfasts for kids in need
- Helped 250,000 individuals connect to federal meal benefits- unlocking at least $69 million for families in need.
We acknowledge that fighting hunger isn’t just about providing food- it’s about creating lasting solutions that break the cycle of hunger. That’s why we are increasing our focus on collaboration, capacity building, and long-term strategies to drive sustainable solutions.
Introducing the Third Round of the Innovation Spark Incubation Fund:
For the past two years, the Innovation Spark Grant has invested $18 million in six organizations, supporting transformative projects across the hunger relief landscape. You can find organizations we have supported over the past two years at this link.
When we launched previous RFPs, we received an overwhelming number of applications, each filled with innovative ideas and promising concepts, but unfortunately, many of them didn’t fit within our past funding model. We had set a $3 million project scale and required organizations to have an annual budget of at least $1 million- which meant that many creative, promising ideas couldn’t move forward.
This year, we are changing that.
We understand that great ideas come in all sizes- from small grassroots initiatives to large-scale programs. We want to provide all organizations- big or small-- the opportunity to bring their ideas to life. Whether your idea needs $50,000 or $300,000, if it’s new, innovative, and focuses on breaking the cycle of hunger, we want to hear about it.
Think of our program as venture capital for ending hunger. We are here to listen to your ideas, big or small. Bring us your vision, needs, and budgets, and let’s work together to create sustainable solutions for hunger relief.
Program Focus
This grant is for new and innovative ideas or concepts that help end hunger forever.
Ask yourself:
- Is your idea new- something that has never been tried before in the U.S.?
- By the end of your program, will the people you are helping be equipped with the resources and tools to feed themselves, be self-sufficient, and no longer rely on your programs for food assistance?
- Does your program create lasting independence from food assistance?
- Will your idea break the cycle of hunger permanently?
If you answered yes to these questions, you are most welcome to apply. If not, we are sorry- this particular fund isn’t the right fit. However, we do offer other opportunities focused on providing food access to people in need.
Funding Details
- Funding Cycle: Single year or multi-year grant (up to 4 years)
- Funding Amount: Flexible, based on project needs
- Grant Period: Starting September 2025
Eligibility Criteria
- Organizations may either have or be willing to form a panel of advisors of people with lived experience with hunger (minimum 3 advisors)
- Organizations must be registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or have a fiscal sponsor that meets this requirement.
- Organizations must operate in the United States and serve communities where Albertsons Companies stores are located (see attached list of stores)
Selection Criteria
- Innovation– This project is centered around groundbreaking ideas that address critical needs and create significant value. It is designed to introduce something entirely new and transformative, with the ultimate goal of ending the cycle of hunger for the participants.
- Impact– The project will have clear, measurable indicators and outcomes that demonstrate its effectiveness in ending hunger in a specific geographic area.
- Feasibility– The project is attainable, realistic, and sustainable with the available resources and timeline.
- Relevance– The project supports evident needs and aligns with the mission and vision of Albertsons Companies Foundation.
- Collaboration– The project involves partnership or coordination with other organizations, stakeholders, or community members.
Application Process
- Submit the application online using this link: https://albertsonscompaniesfoundation.versaic.com/login
- Invitation Code: Innovation2025
- Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with no set deadline for submission. Reviews take place in phases, and applicants will receive feedback within three weeks of submission.
Application Questions
The application consists of the following questions:
- What is your innovative idea to help people achieve self-sufficiency in food access? (250 words max)
- Who is your target population, and how will they benefit from this idea?
- What makes this idea different from existing solutions?
- What problem within the hunger space does this idea address?
- Why do you believe this idea has the potential to create lasting change?
- How does this idea align with your organization’s long-term goals?
- What are the outcomes of the project?
- How many people will this project impact? *We understand that it might be challenging to come up with a number, but if you could provide a rough estimate, it would be helpful.
- How will you measure the success of your project?
- What is the total budget for this specific program?
- If selected, will we be the sole funder?
- If selected, how will you involve people with lived experience of hunger in the project?
- In 2-3 sentences, give us your best elevator pitch- why should we fund your idea?
- Please select all stores in the area in which this project will impact.
Question Sessions
We want to provide you with an opportunity to ask questions. We will have 2 question/answer virtual information sessions where you can feel comfortable to ask questions about the grant. You can also send questions to Anjana.bhattarai@albertsons.com ahead of the meeting.
- Session #1: Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 10am PT use this link to join
- Session #2: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 10:30am- 11:30amPT use this link to join
Q: I have questions, who do I contact?
A: We want to make sure everyone has a chance to ask questions. We are holding 2 informational sessions where all applicants can join and ask questions. You can also send in questions to be answered at those sessions to Anjana.Bhattarai@albertsons.com.
In the event that your schedule does not allow you to make either time, you can always send an email as described above and all questions and answers will be published.
- Session #1: Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 10am PT use this link to join
- Session #2: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 10:30am- 11:30amPT use this link to join
Q: How do I apply?
A: Please use this link: https://albertsonscompaniesfoundation.versaic.com/login and Invitation Code – Innovation2025
Q: Is there an invitation code?
A: Yes, please use Innovation2025 (it’s the same for everyone)
Q: When is it due?
A: There is no deadline for submission. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed until all available funds have been allocated.
Q: What is the purpose of the Innovation Incubation Fund?
A: The Innovation Incubation Fund supports organizations with innovative ideas that aim to promote self sufficiency in the hunger space and work toward ending hunger for good. We are looking to fund new-never tried before solutions that create lasting impact in communities.
Q: In the application you ask me to “Please select all stores in the area in which this project will impact”. How do I know what stores to select?
A: Please select stores in the area where you will be working. The best way to think about this is: does the population I’m working with have an option to shop at this store? If so, please select that store.
Q: Our organization doesn’t currently have a panel of people with lived experience. Can some of the grant funds help pay for us to form one?
A: Yes, we are happy to help support a panel.
Q: Dollar amount? It is $5 million over 4 years for one organization:
A: No, the total funding allocated for this grant is $5 million. There is no set limit on the number of organizations we may fund. As this is an “incubation fund”, we invite organizations to share their plans, vision, and funding needs, and we will determine funding decisions accordingly. Each application will be reviewed on its own merit and the budget outlined in the proposal.
Q: Can my organization apply for multiple ideas or projects?
A: Yes, organizations can submit multiple applications if they have different ideas or projects that align with the goal of self-sufficiency in hunger relief.
Q: How many fund recipients will there be?
A: There is no set limit on the number of organizations we may fund.
Q: When you ask for new ideas that have never been done before, does this mean new ideas to the organization? New that you've never funded before? New-- that's never been created by any organization ever before?
New concepts that no organization has developed before.
Q: Can our ideas be nascent? Just beginning? Not fully fledged out. If so, what metrics or evidence would you want us to provide for these projects since we wouldn't have much evidence?
A: Yes, ideas can be in the early stages. We are looking for a clear vision of how your idea will help people achieve self-sufficiency or break the cycle of hunger. While we understand that evidence may be limited, but you could outline the potential impact including the estimated number of individuals your project could reach or any other indicators of success you plan to track.
Q: How would you want us to present the scale of impact?
A: We leave that up to your organization to determine. You can present the scale of impact in a way that best reflects your project’s goals and approach. We are flexible and encourage you to use the metrics or format that make the most sense for your work.
Q: Can this be an idea based on HOW we do our work? Or WHAT are we doing for our work
A: We are looking for both- an idea that contributes to ending hunger and the approach your organization takes to implement it. How you structure and execute the idea is entirely up to you.
Q: I have more questions, can I set up a time to talk to you?
A: Unfortunately, there are many, many of you and only two of us. We have set up the listening sessions (see above) to provide time to talk to us and an opportunity to send your questions via email. Thank you very much for understanding.
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