Celebrating 10 years of Nourishing Neighbors!
Join us and make your voice heard!
On June 6th, we celebrated a significant milestone with our nonprofit partners. Over 250 organizations joined in the celebrations, and we are truly grateful for their support. None of our work would be possible without our Nourishing Neighbors partners. The sense of community and togetherness we share in our mission to end hunger in America is truly heartwarming. Happy Nourishing Neighbors to all of you!
Albertsons® Companies Announces New Goal to Enable 1.5 Billion Meals Across Local Communities and pledges $10 million annually to help end the cycle of hunger by 2030BOISE, Idaho — March 10, 2025 — Albertsons® Companies, Inc. (NYSE: ACI) (“Albertsons”) and The Albertsons® Companies Foundation read more... Local Stories of Impact
Join Us in the Fight to End Hunger- ForeverAt Nourishing Neighbors, we have been on a mission to tackle hunger in the U.S. since 2014. Our holistic approach- Today, read more... Local Stories of Impact
Explore.Act.Tell. Program: Teachers SpotlightAmber Krumbholtz, School Counselor; Collette Jadis, Viking Alternative Program Teacher; and Judy Cohen, Social Worker, all led read more... Local Stories of Impact
Shaw's and Star Market Team Go Above and Beyond at the Hunter Henry Holiday EventOur incredible Shaw's team truly outdid themselves at the Hunger Henry holiday celebration, creating a magical evening for over read more...