Kellogg's Joins Nourishing Neighbors
See How Kellogg is Supporting Nourishing Neighbors
Serving your family a Kellogg’s® breakfast sets them up for success in the day ahead. Start your kids’ mornings with Eggo® Waffles and their favorite Kellogg’s® cereals, then continue the day with Cheez-It® and Incogmeato®. At Kellogg’s® we help families flourish and thrive. We’ve partnered with Nourishing Neighbors to help fight hunger by donating $75,000 to local communities.
Albertsons® Companies Announces New Goal to Enable 1.5 Billion Meals Across Local Communities and pledges $10 million annually to help end the cycle of hunger by 2030BOISE, Idaho — March 10, 2025 — Albertsons® Companies, Inc. (NYSE: ACI) (“Albertsons”) and The Albertsons® Companies Foundation read more... Local Stories of Impact
Join Us in the Fight to End Hunger- ForeverAt Nourishing Neighbors, we have been on a mission to tackle hunger in the U.S. since 2014. Our holistic approach- Today, read more... Local Stories of Impact
Explore.Act.Tell. Program: Teachers SpotlightAmber Krumbholtz, School Counselor; Collette Jadis, Viking Alternative Program Teacher; and Judy Cohen, Social Worker, all led read more... Local Stories of Impact
Shaw's and Star Market Team Go Above and Beyond at the Hunter Henry Holiday EventOur incredible Shaw's team truly outdid themselves at the Hunger Henry holiday celebration, creating a magical evening for over read more...
I live in Bell, FL 32619, and have gone to High Springs, FL food distribution 15 minute drive away. My experience is 2hour wait, lost 2 gallons of gas, for a 2 day food supply? Thank you, anyway High Springs since Bell does not care for American citizens! And Thank you for your Arapaho TV commercial, but here this does not exist, people only care about themselves and their immediate families, and the portions are FOR hunger instead of defeating hunger in Bell, FL 32619. BELL CONTACT 352-463-3178, please contact them since they receive plenty of State of Florida funding(from taxes) and Funding from the Federal Government too. Why this is not a priority by Local, City, County and State funding. When going to High Springs, FL the line is 2 miles long, every month, a sad site of how American citizens are treated in 2023. Kind Regards, Pab Pabmarq2003@yahoo.com 352-949-3283